Thursday, 15 May 2014


Hey guys so this is my blog!!! You may know me from twitter or Instagram or even my youtube as "bronnylovesyou" so welcome to my blog :)

I hope to be posting a mixture of personal and not so personal things. From a day in the life of me or me rambling about something to hauls and reviews etc - I hope to be posting a range of things to cater for everyone basically :)

So for those of you that don't know me my name is Bronwen (mum thought it would be interesting to give me a weird name), im 21 years old and I live in a small town called Ashford in England ;) im currently working in a yankee candle shop and yes these candles really are amazing if you're wondering and worth the money! :) especially if you want a nice smelling house ;) Im living at home at my parents with my boyfriend who I've been with 4 years in July crazy right?! I could never see myself with anyone else tbh :) so yeah you know a bit about me and I'd love to get to know you guys too!

Leave me comments introducing yourselves it's so nice meeting new people and if you have any blog requests then comment below! :)


  1. Looking forward to reading your blog posts. Would love a follow back :) xo

  2. Hey hun! Thanks for following! I've followed back :) I will be posting blogs soon once a few more people are following! :)
